Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Damaged goods

People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord (Pro 19:3). I observe two things in this verse. First, you are a product of your own decisions. It is possible to bring catastrophe on yourself by making unwise decisions. Many people think that things will always work out. The truth is, sometimes they don’t. Some choices cause permanent damage. Second, it is tempting to blame the Lord for your circumstances. The answer to the popular, “Why me?” is “because of the choices you made.” A ruined life is not a result of a malicious God, but of a foolish person. By the grace of God, our lives fit into more than two categories; ruin and success. People are found all along the spectrum. So even if some of your choices have caused damage, there is still hope. Make better choices and move on. No matter how tainted your past is, your future is spotless! (Pro 24:16)

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