Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Kingdom among us

There is a physical kingdom of Jesus that is yet future. But there is also a form of the kingdom that exists right now, among us (Luk 17:21). The covert, leaven of the kingdom (Mat 13:33), exists among those who are truly seeking the kingdom right now. I wish I could say that the whole church was a part of the kingdom, but that is not the case. There are tares among the wheat (Mat 13:30). King Jesus is among those who are truly seeking (Mat 18:20). Find the kingdom seekers and you’ll find the kingdom. It’s not easy though. At this point the kingdom is more like a seed than a tree; inconspicuous, clandestine, secret, mysterious (Mat 13:31). Many are called but few are chosen (Mat 22:14). Does this pique your interest? Seek and you shall find (Mat 7:7).

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