Sunday, September 11, 2011

The encouraging Spirit

It must have been a daunting task for Zerubbabel. He was attempting to rebuild the great temple of Solomon. From all accounts his efforts were indeed humble. But the Lord commanded Israel not to despise small beginnings (Zech 4:10). He promised that the wealth of the nations would once again flow to the temple in Zion (Hag 2:7). To Zerubbabel and his companions God said, “Be strong! My Spirit is with you just as I promised when you came out of Egypt. Do not be afraid.” (Hag 2:4-5) Great things don’t happen by human strength. It is not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord (Zech 4:6). As you build and rebuild your life unto the Lord, be strong and trust that His Spirit is with you.

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