Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The purpose of a priest

What the priests were to Israel, the Church is to the world. The priests were set apart (sanctified, made holy, sainted) in order to dedicate the most holy things, to offer sacrifices, to serve the Lord and to pronounce blessings in His name (1Ch 23:13). The Church is a nation of priests, chosen to proclaim Christ’s excellencies to the world (1Pe 2:9). We offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1-2). We dedicate and serve the holy ones, the saints (Eph 1:4, 1Th 1:7-12). We are to bless those around us (Mat 5:13-14, Col 4:5-6). There is no more temple building. We are the temple (1Co 3:16, 1Pe 2:5). There is no distinction between laity and clergy. Every believer is a saint, every saint a servant, every member a minister. We are the Church (Mat 18:20). The gates of hell will not prevail against us (Mat 16:18). Go, therefore and make disciples…(Mat 28:18-20).

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