Saturday, January 22, 2011

God does not need us to defend him

Job accuses his counselors of defending God with lies (Job 13:7). God does not need us to argue His case for him (Job 13:8). He is completely capable of withstanding the scrutiny of men. It’s okay for people to struggle with doubt and wrestle with God. No matter how uncomfortable that makes us, it is apparently not troubling to God. In fact, God prefers an honest doubt to deceitful “faith.” Some people are so compelled to be good witnesses for Christ that they embellish their own testimonies. This does not honor God and ultimately hurts the cause of Christ rather than helping it. We should be prepared to give a defense for the hope that is in us (1Pe 3:15), but never with dishonesty or even “persuasive words of wisdom.” In this way our hearer’s faith will rest in the power of God rather than the persuasiveness of men (1Co 2:4-5).

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